Monday, July 26, 2010

I Really Should Be ...

studying, but obviously that is not the case. ;)

Welcome to my new blog, Dream a Little Bigger! I decided that considering all the changes in my life recently (the biggest being getting married) that I needed a new blog that wasn't for any other purpose except just to talk about life. Plain and simple.

I actually just planned out my next few weeks and was a tad bit overwhelmed. These weeks will consist of studying, tests, and working on my electronic portfolio for the fall. I'm currently in school to be a high school science teacher and I'm nearing the very end. In a few weeks I will be starting my Student Teaching (pause for dramatic effect) and I am anxious, excited, and nervous. I know it will be one of the best and worst times of my career and I am looking forward to what it will bring. I have heard horror stories and I've heard positive stories so we will see how it goes. I'm sure there will be many document-worthy moments which I plan to share with you right here!

If you are wondering about the title of my blog then I am assuming you have not seen the movie Inception or maybe you have, but you were really dreaming so you don't remember. The quote is from that movie when one character is shooting the bad guys on a rooftop and another character comes over and says "You mustn't be afraid to dream a little bigger, darling" and pulls out a bazooka gun. ha ha. It was a humorous part of the movie but to me it is also has a serious meaning. To me it means that we sometimes limit ourselves in life. We don't try new things for fear or failure. We compromise because we don't have enough courage to think the impossible. I don't want to be afraid to dream bigger! So here's to dreaming big!

P.S. For those of you who have seen Inception, What did you think? I thought it was amazing.

Your Truly,



  1. I love the name of your new blog. "Dream on, dream on, dream until your dreams come true."
    This is a song from my day. LOL

  2. I thought Inception was amazing too! One of the most unique movies I've seen in a while.
    I found your new blog through your Facebook page- I like to write and follow blogs, so I always love to read blogs by people I know :)

  3. Thanks. :) I read your blog a lot too!
